"I am a
STEM Genius!"
As a child, growing up in the City of Detroit I struggled academically in school, so founding an organization that makes traditionally challenging subjects exciting to children was personal. After completing graduate school in Miami, I returned to teach elementary and middle school students in Detroit, and after teaching for years at Wayne State University I left to inspire the minds of children by starting STEM Genius.
Our students, who refer to themselves as STEM Geniuses, have so much fun while learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We are passionate about inspiring children from Kindergarten through 12th grade in STEM and we accomplish this goal through creative and exciting hands on project based learning educational programs using green technology.
We understand the seriousness and urgency of continuing to establish strategic partners in the educational, political and corporate communities to accomplish such an ambitious undertaking for STEM Education. We humbly and graciously thank you for your continued support.
Yul Allen
Founder, STEM Genius®

Our Founder
Much more than an after school program.
STEM Genius® International
We believe in teaching children the possibilities of science, technology, engineering and mathematics no matter where they are. From Honolulu to Paris and from London to Harlem their inquisitive imaginations deserve only the very best.

Teaching the youth
the power of solar energy.
In the upcoming year we will continue traveling the globe inspiring minds on different continents sowing hope through STEM and the endless career possibilities.

Stay inspired and stem-conscious
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